A Servitude Mindset


“I Hope You Dance.” That song still moves me. There’s so much meaning and insight in its words that resonate with me, almost like an anthem.

You see, I’m a gal from a small town in south Louisiana who was/is a BIG dreamer.

By general stereotypes and outward observances, I could never have achieved the successes that I can blessedly claim today. I don’t come from wealth or connections, but by the Grace of God AND a lot of hard work, I have achieved my vision for a fantastic life and career.

The lyrics of songs have always inspired me. While I am an eclectic lover of all types of songs and appreciate a variety of musical artists, for whatever reason it’s the country songs in particular that speak to me.

I remember early in my career when I was nervous, I would play songs like Garth Brooks’ “Standing Outside the Fire” to ignite my courage and propel me through the day. “Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you’re standing outside the fire!” If that doesn’t get you up and moving, I’m not sure what will…

It goes beyond a driving force, though. It’s a reminder of where I’ve been (reflecting with gratitude and pride), as well as envisioning the future of the next mountain that I can explore and conquer.

So my question is, “Which songs speak to you AND have inspired and ignited you to act upon them?”

I’d love to hear about your favorites; I may be able to adopt some new ones; please post in the comments below and/or email me at dlandry@authentizity.com.

— Dawn F. Landry




The Advantages of a Big Hat!


I Hope You Dance