Are You Stretching?


Climber, Squatter, Quitter

Several years ago, I came across the “Climber, Squatter, Quitter” concept by Dr. Paul Stoltz*.  In it, he explains that a significant group of folks start out as climbers in a new job, their careers, etc. 

However, they then get comfortable and, metaphorically, camp or squat where they are.  In effect, they become so comfortable that they lose their motivation to push themselves to strive for more.

Now when I speak of more, I don’t mean more from the materialistic aspect of things.  Rather, I am referring to more of stepping into who they envisioned to be in their lives, especially in servitude to others.

Are you squatting in your life? 

Or, in which aspect of your life are you squatting?

As we enter the final quarter of 2020, it’s a perfect time to choose a positive mindset and visualize the future by motivating yourself — it’s never too late.

The easy way out is to squat or quit, frozen in time with a regretful or fearful attitude.  The pandemic is a great excuse to write off this year.  However, I’d like to challenge you.  What would it look like if you stretched and pressed yourself with intentionality and accountability in some new area that’s exciting to you?

That’s what I chose to do when I decided to use these past six months to author and self-publish a book.  I’m not special.  I just don’t idle well and needed to have something tangible to show for this quieter time.  The process is almost complete, just in time to check off “Write a Book” from my personal bucket list before I turn 50 later this Fall.    

Is there a dream in your heart?  Or, are you dreaming too small?

It’s never too late.  You wouldn’t still be here on this Earth unless there was a purpose for your life. 

As always, thank you for your continued readership and interest.  Please let me know if I may ever be a resource to you and your endeavors by contacting me at

NOTE:  We are very close to releasing ARMORED.  For more details and to sign up for book updates, please visit

*For more information about Dr. Paul Stoltz and his concepts, please visit:

— Dawn F. Landry




Embracing the Intersection of Your Two Lives


Pain into Purpose