BD in a Social Distancing World


Since the beginning of time, humans have been evolutionary creatures who have grown and adapted — either through force by external changes in the environment, or voluntarily due to advances in innovation and technology. 

These times are no different.  When pressed with challenges, we are morphing to accomplish our goals.  Our fortitude and determination to strive won’t be dampened.

Ingenuity is appearing in somewhat unlikely places, across all types of workers.  We are seeing teachers reading books on Facebook Live; and talk show hosts utilizing their partners as camera operators to interview celebrities.

As a remote worker these past three years, I have long-since successfully transitioned to adjusting from a traditional office work style.  However, video conferencing was still only about 10% of my typical work week. 

The necessitation of social distancing has changed that, but I’m finding that people still want to see people — that’s where relationships come in.

I want to be very clear that I’m not speaking of ambulance chasing during this time.  Some of the posts that I’ve seen on social media are being delivered from what appears to be artificial, self-serving intentions.

The spirit from which I’m speaking is one of authentically checking in as a valued resource and friend.  Our community (and that includes our professional “village”) needs one another in times of trouble to survive.  It’s during these testing times when we truly bond (and that also goes for our internal teams within our organizations.)

Here are some of the business development tasks that I am doing in this time of social distancing:

Remaining Accountable and Intentional

Are you taking your relationships for granted or are you leveraging the tools at your fingertips to stay in touch? As an example, I have started scheduling virtual coffees, lunches and happy hours with my clients/allies/friends because I genuinely just want to see their faces and make sure that they’re doing ok. Is this something that you might consider doing?

Planning & Researching

What are the things that you always wish you had time to delve deeper into? There is no better time to research it and to leverage that information in a new strategy for your organization’s future.

Utilizing Quiet Time

If everything was back to normal and we can go back to work tomorrow, what will you wish you had done? For me, I’d want more quiet time to allow the creative ideas to flow. I’m always amazed by the outpouring of ideas that come to me if I sit still enough with a blank pad of paper and listen.

When we come out of this, we will be forever changed.  What will we have learned?  How can we grow?  What opportunities are there for advances in our business and relationships will there be? 

I don’t have the answers, but I’m curious to keep asking AND learn from you, so please contact me at  We can set some time to schedule a video call even.  I’d love to see your bright, shiny face!

— Dawn F. Landry




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