The 3 Qualities We Need for Success…

(A Consultant / Service Provider’s Perspective)

NOTE: This will be the first installment of a multi-part series that focuses on the client experience.

I chose to write this perspective of the series first since the topic of “advancing employees’ client service capabilities” is covered quite thoroughly throughout the Internet. However, rarely do you see an article focused on the role that the clients themselves have on the success of the program.

When working with organizations who aspire to expand their market reach through revenue growth and retention of existing clients by quality assurance procedures, I first begin by asking “Are you selective about the clients for whom you seek to gain/retain?”

You see, to reach the top tier status within your industry, you must be selective and stand firm in your go/no go processes. Otherwise, you will continue to work for clients who waste your time and productivity. Inevitably, this will inhibit your company’s ability to be profitable and retain its greatest talent, your employees.

Enough of the justification; now to the clients.

Dear Clients,

We know that you value a quality project delivery with no-to-minimal scope or budget creep and a seamless, dependable process provided by industry experts who troubleshoot challenges and are proactive with solutions. This is a great desire, but often unreasonable to demand when we are compared and competed by the lowest cost variable solely.

To circumvent this, these are the Three Qualities that we look for to achieve a great client to consultant / service provider relationship:

1. Honesty, Integrity, Shared Values;

2. Collaboratively Setting and Communicating Clear, Achievable Expectations; and

3. Financial and Contractual Terms that Respect and Encourage Profitability for Businesses.

By demonstrating these three qualities, we are able to establish a partnership with a foundation built upon trust, compromise and character. Your work may not be technical in nature and might not (for the time being) demand expertise.

However, the more technical the need, the more advanced the emotional intelligence and the evolutionary lack of skilled labor available in the industry and/or geographic setting, the less that clients will able to select consultants / service providers as they do an inanimate product, as a commodity.

Speaking on behalf of all consultants / service providers, we stand ready to work with you. However, our expectation is to be valued as an integral partner in the lifecycle of the process.

Stay tuned for the next installment in the series: Dear Consultant / Service Providers …

I always welcome an opportunity to discuss topics such as these further. Please contact me at

— Dawn F. Landry




Dear Consultants / Service Providers


Your Access to Your Best Responses