Can you relate to a time recently when you’ve been working on a project, and you know the information so thoroughly that you are stuck, struggling to explain and/or teach it to others?

Or do you find yourself stale and wonder if you’re missing out on some obvious new concept, trend, or technology?

I found myself in that very situation recently. My deadline was looming. Yet no matter how much I tried to take things into my own hands and command my creativity, I could not conceive how to develop a presentation that delivered my content in a new, engaging, and fresh way.

It was then that I reminded myself of other times when I’ve been in this very situation. To get unstuck, the path that works best for me is to find a course, seminar, and/or book in which I can learn something new or examine a familiar subject in a different kind of way.

Without fail, that investment of my resources (both of my time and budget) allows me to activate and elevate my thinking. Many times, it’s not necessarily the information taught directly from the author or creator, but the sheer act of allowing my brain the space it needs to absorb someone else’s ideas.

Now, I’m not saying that what works for me will have the exact same effect for you. However, what I’d challenge you to do is to identify what will.

Here are some examples for you to consider as sources for your activation:

  • Is it a quiet reset by retreating to a nearby body of water, or simply just a walk around the block?

  • Is it an inspiring conversation with your respected mentor or an encouraging colleague?

  • Is it an analysis of your past records/systems to provide you with context for where you should go next?

Find what works for you and then do it!

That’s what I did. I took an online storytelling course by Nancy Duarte and her team. (https://www.duarte.com/)

While only a quarter of the way into the four-hour presentation, I had a clear direction and was ignited to complete my project that very afternoon. It paid and continues to provide dividends.

Because I truly believe in this Learn, Invest, Activate, Elevate concept so thoroughly, I’m going to feature some of my sources for my inspiration this week so that you might consider them as well.

Stay tuned on my social media outlets, but also please contact me for further exploration of this topic at dlandry@authentizity.com.

Also, please visit www.bddynamics.com as it is a great investment in your skills that will harvest many business development returns for future years to come…

— Dawn F. Landry




Don’t be like Blackberry, Kodak, Blockbuster, etc.
