Finding Creativity in the Silence


The late Zig Ziglar has frequently been quoted as saying:

“Your attitude defines your altitude.”

How we choose to deal with life’s challenges impacts our ability to either walk through the fires or to allow them to overwhelm us and our future.  I’m no Pollyanna.  These times of uncertainty make me uncomfortable as well. 

Although, as a life philosophy, I try never to dwell for very long on the things that are out of my control.  Instead, I choose to look for the roses among the thorns and produce lemonade from lemons. 

In so doing, I have received a gift from our forced solitude.  I have experienced abundant creativity in the silence by allowing myself the space I needed to dig deeper into my observations with curiosity.  Typically, nothing sparks my inquisitiveness more than being completely surrounded by  the ocean on a ship in the middle of nowhere. 

However, in these past four months, my imagination has been undistracted and has even expanded to new levels.  Feeling inspired to serve others, I have used the quiet time to fulfill a dream that I’ve had for more than 20 years. 


Since April, I have written, edited, and managed the design and self-publishing process of my book, ARMORED.  I am excited to be at this point in its evolution and cannot wait to release it in the coming weeks.  Stay tuned… 

Now, I would like to challenge you. 

Is there an area of your life where you are able to see beauty out of the ashes?  Are you able to take your quiet and uncomfortableness to use it for good?  Pressing and stretching is never easy, but I’ve garnered great benefits from my most challenging situations. 

As always, I am here as a resource to you and your endeavors.  Please contact me at

— Dawn F. Landry




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