What Problem Do You Solve?


When I came across this question previously, it caused me to take a pause and get curious.

Upon further reflection, I realized that how a company and/or individual answers this question is part of the path which leads to their differentiation.

Yet it’s not that simple.

At face value, you might observe that your answer to the problem you solve is defined by your service offering  i.e., the nuts and bolts of who you are and what you do.

However, my ask is that you press and stretch your thinking beyond so that your response also includes:

  1. The components that matter most to your Client about their experience with your products and/or services. (Don’t assume. If you don’t know, then ask them!)

  2. The servant/leader aspects of how your organization goes above and beyond to proactively assist and advance your Clients and serve as a resource to their vision/goals for success.

  3. The abilities and outcomes in which your organization was/is adaptable to your Clients’ needs, economic shifts, etc.

  4. The times when your organization has leveraged its existing portfolio to innovate and/or flex to new markets.

Consider your answers to these questions. Also, compare your responses to those of others within your organization and/or to your past and current Clients.

You will likely discover new, key salient points that better resonate and position you with your existing Client base, as well as for future project pursuits.

Getting curious with these questions will also help you to better understand your differentiators, especially compared to those of your competition. (NOTE: For more information about that topic, please refer to my previous blog post “Can You Differentiate Dirt” at https://www.dawnflandry.com/articles/can-you-differentiate-dirt?rq=dirt.)

So now’s the time that you might ask me, “Dawn, what problem do you solve?” Well, I’m glad you asked.

Whether it’s through Authentizity, Winning with Whiskers, BD Dynamics, or ARMORED, I apply my strategic thinking mind to listen intently, follow up deliberately and expeditiously, and serve as a reliable and credible resource to those with whom I encounter. This distinguishes and enables me to advance my relationships because I customize my offerings to work in service to others.

The problem that I solve is rooted in My Why: “To inspire, ignite, and activate the greatness in others and myself.”

I consider this my North Star. What is yours?

If you’d like to learn more, please contact me at dlandry@authentizity.com. Your success is my success; I’m here to help!

— Dawn F. Landry




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