Get Over It!


How many times do we relive and churn something in our heads over and again because it didn’t go as we had envisioned?

But just because it didn’t live up to our expectations, does that mean that it was a flop?

There are always lessons to be gleaned from any situation and “success” is in the eye of the beholder.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak at a national conference in Washington D.C. To say that I was excited was an understatement. I prepared and submitted my presentation and supporting materials months in advance. I traveled to the conference a few days ahead of the date; and even gave myself plenty of time to clear my head hours before my scheduled time.

With all of this preparation, you would think that I would have blown it out of the water. Alas, I finished feeling slightly off — not a total bomb, but definitely unsatisfied.

For times like these, it’s always great to have the perspective of a trusted, professional friend.

Fortunately, mine was one who gave me good feedback; she said that it was “fine” and that I did well, but I wanted more. I imagined hitting it out of the park. But since I didn’t, I unproductively used the next several hours to dissect it and beat myself up. That was until I had enough and finally commanded to myself: “Get Over It!”

It’s not like I could go back into the past and change the outcome. So to better my chances in the future, I documented what I identified went wrong and that I could do differently next times.

These included:

1. Request a morning time-slot – I’m fresher, more animated and think on my feet better.
2. Infuse my personality and fun – Remember to be intentional about adding my personal stories and career examples.
3. Don’t forget to eat a meal prior – I never think well on a half-empty stomach!

That way, when another speaking engagement arises, I won’t psyche myself out but will be better through self-awareness and hard work.

Moral of the Story: We’re all human and may find ourselves “off” every now and then. We have a choice. GET OVER IT! or Let it get in our heads, wallow in it and let it inhibit our futures.

I choose the former and look forward to the next time…

What do you do when you find yourself off?

I’d welcome an opportunity to discuss and learn from you. Please contact me at

— Dawn F. Landry




A Little Quiet, Please…


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