An Unlikely Entrepreneur / 8 Years and Counting…


What an amazing 8 years it has been! I couldn’t have planned such an adventure in my wildest imaginations.

This week, I’m celebrating and I am so grateful to you for your continued support, interest and friendship of Authentizity (and me.)

By the numbers, we have successfully:

  • Collaborated with 77 clients,

  • Guided 565 participants in BD Dynamics Doer/Seller Trainings,

  • Facilitated countless CliftonStrengths Teambuilders, as well as BD Strategic Plans and Other Corporate Visioning and Alignment Sessions,

  • Worked with numerous executives in consulting and coaching sessions one-on-one,

  • Presented as Keynote and Breakout Speaker on many national and even a global (virtual) stage, AND

  • Published Two, Bestselling Books.

WHEW! It’s been exciting, but I know the best is yet to come.

Thank you; thank you; thank you. Here’s to the next 8 years and beyond!!!

— Dawn F. Landry


#unlikelyentrepreneur #8yearanniversary #celebration #grateful #bythenumbers #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics


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