Dawn F. Landry

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Can You JUST-SAY-NO?!?

Can you JUST-SAY-NO?!?

Do your firm have a clearly defined, go/no go process to ensure that you and your colleagues remain disciplined in your business development?

As I highlight in today’s vlog post, we can talk ourselves into and out of just about anything.

Without a process, we can waste our time and resources on pursuing a lot of “dead on arrival” opportunities that were either never ours to begin with AND/OR are terribly misaligned fits for our firms and their futures.

Sooo, what about you? Does your firm need some help with this from a strategy standpoint?

Reach out to me if I can be a resource to you in any manner at dlandry@authentizity.com.

#businessdevelopment #go/nogo #deadonarrival #justsayno #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics

— Dawn F. Landry


#businessdevelopment #lowesthangingfruit #clientretention #clientretentionisBD #keepyourclients #winningwithwhiskers #authentizity #dawnflandry #BDDynamics