"Winning with Whiskers™" Book Release Date and Cover Announcement!
June 4th is the release date. Yep; it's official. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!
Today also marks the day that I officially showcase the book cover. The gang's all here -- it's the culmination of all of the characters.
As a reminder, from left to right, you'll meet Stevie, the Entertaining/Juggling Sea Lion; Harlie, the Workhorse; our Client, GiGi, the Giraffe; Dannie, the Loyal and Older Dog; and Rockie, the Robot.
Leveraging the uniqueness of these diverse characters, the fictional book follows the journey as GiGi searches for new consultants to service her technical business. The story follows the four representatives from the competing firms as they prepare for, conduct themselves during, and follow up from an interview with GiGi.
It then reveals the surprising outcome of the client’s selection, including a client debrief which involves all of the characters.
To stay up to date on release details:
Please subscribe to my Amazon Author Page at: https://www.amazon.com/author/dawnflandry
Visit the Winning with Whiskers™ website at: https://www.dawnflandry.com/winning-with-whiskers
Please call upon me if I may be a resource to you in any manner at dlandry@authentizity.com.
— Dawn F. Landry